Hi everyone!! I'm back!!
err i mean i'm back to blog!!
from 18 Nov to 24 Nov, i did not update my blog
it was becos of the chinese govrenment....
they dun allow to use other country's webside
and why i'm here again is becoz...
i'm too clever~
haha actually long story luh.
I'v reached china.
here damn cold sia!!!
but too bad, dun hav snow!
everyday i must wear double long-slive T-shirt,
plus a jecket!
so can imagine how cold here is???
22 Nov, my 15th birthday!
i celebrate it wth my old classmates!
even thought my hair was full of cream when i'm back home,
but i really felt happy~
they gave me bday presents,
sang bday song for me,,
haiz i nearly cry out!
cos i'll not take it when i'm going to leave china
i'll miss them very much!
ofcoz i din forget abt my sg frenz~
some of them oso say happy bay tru msn.
guess who i spent the earlier 4 hrs to chat wth?
i'v totally forgotten what did we talk abt.
but can say tat chat wth him i felt relax~
he was not being a cher when we were chatting!!
yea thanks for those ppl who are still rmb my bday!
my new contact no. in china is +8613003935262..
if wanna call, 0188613003935262,
cos add 018 in front is cheaper, 8cent/min
if wanna msg, u can msg 008613003935262.
or straight away msg to my sg number.
hoo~ i know the number is too long~
call me if u r using sintel$128 or starhub happy$128!
cos got $28 international call in ur prepaid card~
leave it there oso no use rite??!!
then call me luh!!
i'm very sian lei.
frenz still nid to go sch every workday!
so my life only left play computer!!
i'v alrdy think of buying presents formy sg frenz
if want me to bring something for u,
juz say it on my tagbox!
love YOU all!